Sunday, June 1, 2008

Interview: Tilanus Commodor

I interviewed the modder responsible for the Ancient Age mod recently, it took some doing to convince him, though eventually he agreed to do the interview.
1. Hello, first off, why not tell us your history with AoE III, what did you mod before?

Luckily I can say that I’ve always been addicted to the Age Of Empires Series. So it was obvious that I’d buy the third part when ES announced it. AoE3 was my first game whose whole online history I experienced completely. I joined - a german community – and later on Xastor started »Napoleonic Era« - I was a big fan of his project and imperatively wanted to contribute something. At the beginning I suggested units, after some weeks I already had to make researches about ship and town names with attractive historical background. By and by my area of responsibility extended and I was managing the NE forums and partially the promotion, I was translating, discussing and advising. As a result of it I became member of the NE Core Team. However, I never really modded for Napoleonic Era, never touched the really relevant codes or made any conspicuous graphics.

2. So what did you think of the napoleonic mod?

I thought and still think that Napoleonic Era is presently the most professional modification for AoE3. I was happy being part of a team that always knew what to do and how to do it, especially the quality of their work is great. They did an excellent job. Most of them are busy now with other things, mostly school, real life issues and Xastor is taking part in the development of Dawn Of Fantasy. So the final cut takes longer as it was intended and this is somehow taking out the dash of Napoleonic Era. Nevertheless we will definitely release a final version.

3. And What do you expect in the future out of your Ancient Age Mod?

If I’d expect too much of myself or the team I’d probably never finish it. Of course, I hope that this project will be successful and that I’ll keep my motivation even in bad times. =)

4. What advice would you have for the new modders out there?

Ah, new modders, that’s good music in my ears. =) I’d really like to see some of them, but they just hide, unfortunately. I would really like to see more self-confident people who just want to be creative or helpful and have the ambition to learn something new instead of “leading” a sad life filled with dependent consumption.
New modders should always join already existing projects to gain experience, to get an impression of the whole construct and – the main point - to learn from other modders. There is a 95% high probability that mod projects started by inexperienced newbies will die in approximately two or three weeks. As result of what I have seen in the aoe3 modding scene of HeavenGames I can tell you the most obvious indications of such a project: 1) You’ve never heard of that guy before - 2) He’s promising 500 maps, 10k new super cool units and 30 cultures - 3) His media are incredibly ugly… in general he is absolutely exaggerating and has no idea what he is actually talking about, promising things which are not possible or can not be done by one or two guys in a two lifes, all he did was having a dream and posting it.
To avoid bugged users and a demotivated newcomer you better don’t start projects like that and start practicing by joining an already existing project. At least one or two members of a team have pre-existing know-how that is more fertile and detailed than any tutorial could be. Nevertheless are tutorials the main reading for beginners. The Ancient Age is offering both. If someone wants to learn (any aspect of) modding, he can always give it a try by contacting us. =)

5. Besides AoE III, will you mod for any other games?

I doubt I’ll find the time for occupying that deeply with other games. TAA will demand my attention totally for a long time. I’m not sure what the future will bring, I also see my work for The Ancient Age as scheduling for the study of game design I looking forward excitedly.

6. Well, that's it for the interview, thanks for answering some questions for the readers.

np. ^^

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