Every week or so, I will interview AOMH's most known members, the first is baske who is working on a cinematic about the greek hero AJax. Baske has also provided us with a photo of himself here
My first project worth mentioning is 'Town Militia' which is available at the Downloads Section of aom.heavengames.com. It's a mythodea game (for those of you unfamiliar with mythodea: a game where you 'train' units by moving your old man to a certain point, a very action orientated game style).
In my opinion still one the most original mythodeas out there as it has a storyline in it. At the end the game refers to a sequal, but that never came.
The game still has some flaws that I didn't bother fixing, but I still think it's great fun to play on the occasion (I don't like building an economy that much).
2. How did you learn to use AOM's editor?
I still haven't learned every trigger in the editor, I'm still struggling with QVs. I learned using the editor by extensive use and the occasional question in the Question Thread at AoMH.
3. do you have any advice for new designers?
Use your own imagination, and create your own piece of work. Like I answered in question 1 my first real project was a mythodea game, with a twist. That twist made it MY work, that twist gave me the feeling that I really made something new and worth showing to the public.
4. What is the current status of your Ajax cinematic?
It's around 80% finished, but it's been that way for ages. I lost interest in getting it finished, it will be finished, but very likely that it won't be finished on the short-run.
5. After you finish it, what are your next plans or ideas for a project?
No real plans yet, I'm 'working' on a huge project with someone else (we all know him at AoMH S&D, but he'll remain anonymous until further notice). The reason why I put the 's around working is because we're currently passively working on it. In other words: every now and then. When it's finished (which won't be any time soon) I promiss you'll be blown off your seat.
6. Have you ever done any modding?
No. Nor do I have interest in it. Respect to those capable of pulling it, but you'll probably never see me opening a thread at the Modding Section announcing my first modpack...
7. Besides AOM, what other games do you like to play?
I absolutely love playing Medieval 2 Total War, both the main game and its expansion 'Kingdoms'. I'm also active at RTWH. The third game, which I recently started playing is the rip-off version of Battlefield, namely War Rock. Which is a free game available for download on the net.
8. Any final words to our readers?
This blog of yours is very promising, and I enjoy reading through the articles. I check through them nearly on a daily basis, keep up the good work!
There you have it! Words from the master himself. Stay tuned for more interview. If you are a member and would like an interview, you can always contact me at my email, just see my use profile.