Saturday, March 1, 2008

Weekend Updates: A look back

One of the main reasons I started this was so I could also show what Age Of Mythology looked back then. The earliest stage of AOM was shown in the credits. there is little information, but I'll try to dissect it as much as possible. Age of Mythology was ES's first plunge into the 3-d game production, so they were only grasping it. Notice the early water and terrain designs. In the image a poseidon unit(notice the unfinished trident) is shown what is now the living Poseidon Statue. The interface and icons are still the same one from the original age of empires game. Production of this stage was most likely done late 2000 or early 2001 before the game was officially announced. Age Of mythology still has a long way to go before it reaches the final production stage. To this day, the only things still left from this stage are the temple and siege works icons. Another is that the human units are very hard to make but they appear to be the only ones with any team colors. Since this stage was only practice, ES didn't bother to make these trees realistic. Same goes for their shadows. That's it for this entry, join me next week when I post more information after this stage and some interesting links.

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