Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A look Back: Egyptian Village

I'm back with Egyptians. Here we see the Egyptians who are in their 3rd and final age(Back then, there were only three ages planned), there is a barracks i the shot which doesn't looks too much like it does now. One exception being that there are no props on it like weapons or the training dummy. Behind the barracks lies the storehouse. In the original plan for all Civs to be mostly the same, each culture had storehouses. This storehouse is almost a complete clone of the Greek one save for a different building texture. Another building down below is the granary. Same story as the storehouse, except it has a different model as well. Units here are minimal but they haven't been talked about yet. There are the villagers, once again male only, they don't look very much different from the final version except that they had the common Egyptian hat and a different "skirt" type. There is an anubite as well which is already in it's final texture and model. Our final unit: Camelry. Their texture was kept but not used, you can find it in your AOM textures folder. Since then, The camelry unit has changed a lot. In future screenshots you can see it closer. The axeman near the barracks is too far away to explain in true detail. Like the camelry, it will be seen better and explained more in future posts. Finally, we have the Hero unit. In the original civilization plan, every culture had it's own hero who carried a flag. You didn't get god powers from the gods, instead your hero unit casted them. The idea was later dropped. Only the egyptians still have such a unit and he can only do so much now. The hero concept is also what inspired the flagbearer for the campaign. In other screenshots you will see the other two heroes.

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